Im Sorry Flash the Leg Is Useless Youll Never Run Again

- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
- ▶️ The House Avernus will disown me for that.

- ▶️ Never.
- ▶️ Bow to your lord.

- ▶️ How tin can such a thing be?
- ▶️ In the mists of time you are only a blur.

- ▶️ Past what correct exercise you tread hither?

- ▶️ The fog of war is no match for the mist of fate.

- ▶️ Oh no y'all di'nt.

- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ We've got pretty good chemical science.

- ▶️ That was genius!
- ▶️ Hey, everybody!

- ▶️ Talk nigh overreacting.
- ▶️ I tin't believe I'yard seeing this with my ain eyes!

- ▶️ What a mess!

- ▶️ Failure is just some other kind of success. The incorrect kind.

- ▶️ I can't feel my legs.

- ▶️ Hm hm hm ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Interesting.

- ▶️ A cold current of air blows.
- ▶️ Your blood runs cold.

- ▶️ I'm likewise old for this!
- ▶️ I waited ages but it was worth it.

- ▶️ Time to break the ice!

- ▶️ Icefog!

- ▶️ No shard feelings. Hm hm hm hm hm hm hm.

- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ I'll requite them a drubbing they'll not presently forget!
- ▶️ (The Disciple's Path) Neh hah ha ha ha haa.
- ▶️ (The Disciple'south Path) I don't bow to magic.

- ▶️ Are yous even trying?
- ▶️ Magic is an abomination.
- ▶️ (The Disciple'south Path) Practise you even do?
- ▶️ (The Disciple's Path) Crushing dreams is kind of my task.

- ▶️ A disappointment.
- ▶️ Magic thyself out of that.
- ▶️ (The Disciple's Path) Yes, and the globe is a messed upward place.
- ▶️ (The Disciple'south Path) What tin I say? I'm gifted.

- ▶️ Thou art damned!
- ▶️ (The Disciple's Path) This is the part where I embarrass you earlier you die.

- ▶️ Send thy Dead God'south legions, I will put them all to expiry.
- ▶️ (The Disciple'south Path) Did you hear the one about how magic sucks?

- ▶️ Thou and I must have a frank give-and-take.

- ▶️ Hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm.
- ▶️ Your grace is noted.

- ▶️ Practice not exist selfish.
- ▶️ Busted.

- ▶️ What have yous done?
- ▶️ A mere diversion.

- ▶️ Frowny face.

- ▶️ You practice not accept to be mad.

- ▶️ You will merely have to take this, and move on.

- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Axe likes this very much.

- ▶️ You deserve nil!
- ▶️ Y'all fought desperately—died worse.

- ▶️ I said practiced solar day, sir!
- ▶️ Axe misjudged?

- ▶️ Axe has no time for all this jibber jabber.

- ▶️ What happened? Axe happened!

- ▶️ Axe-actly!

- ▶️ Nya ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ You're so nice.

- ▶️ Amend luck next time.
- ▶️ Bane of your beingness…

- ▶️ I've been dreaming of this moment.
- ▶️ Fair exchange.

- ▶️ Now your nightmare lasts forever!

- ▶️ Ah ya ya ya ya ya yai eeyas!

- ▶️ Some dreams never die! Ahahahahahah!

- ▶️ He ha ha!
- ▶️ Ah, that'due south what I'm talking about!

- ▶️ This is gonna sting.
- ▶️ That was lame.

- ▶️ Life just got interesting!
- ▶️ I'm sappin' your will to live!

- ▶️ Whoa, ill burn!

- ▶️ Aw yeah, off nosotros ride into the sunset.

- ▶️ A message from on high: You're dead!

- ▶️ Howeh heh heh eh hah heh heh heh.
- ▶️ Sic 'Em!

- ▶️ I'll be creeping while you are sleeping.
- ▶️ The worms volition accept you lot.

- ▶️ A strict no-kill policy.
- ▶️ Aroo arooew!

- ▶️ Hmm, wish I'd learned how to read.

- ▶️ Hoo hoo hoo.

- ▶️ Information technology'south non the size of the brute in the fight simply…well, actually, size kinda helps.

- ▶️ Hmm-heh-heh-heh-heh-ha!
- ▶️ Then much blood.

- ▶️ No blood for you.
- ▶️ I'm seeing cherry…and information technology's astonishing!

- ▶️ Don't exist negative…be positive!
- ▶️ Go ahead…run.

- ▶️ Lie down…have a cookie.

- ▶️ Over the field of battle, the smell of claret rises like a promise.

- ▶️ My drive for claret has found a donor!

- ▶️ Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
- ▶️ My allies accept earned their keep.

- ▶️ How many of y'all do I accept to impale?
- ▶️ Only business, nothing personal.

- ▶️ A wise hunter knows patience.
- ▶️ Stings, don't it?

- ▶️ They'll tell tales of this.

- ▶️ You can run but you can't hide.

- ▶️ Ka-ching! Your bounty is mine.

- ▶️ Hehaahehah.
- ▶️ Ah, I love yous guys.

- ▶️ Better luck next time.
- ▶️ Now I'm feeling it.

- ▶️ Oh, then bubbly!
- ▶️ What's wrong? Can't hold your liquor? . . Hullo?

- ▶️ Information technology's happy hour!

- ▶️ What kind of pub is this?

- ▶️ Having trouble seeing direct?

- ▶️ Hehey hahaha.
- ▶️ Bright and breezy.

- ▶️ Ah, now I feel better.
- ▶️ Oooh, that's lovely that is.

- ▶️ No mode.
- ▶️ Oh, you lot want some of this… eh?

- ▶️ Well, what have we here.

- ▶️ Who's squealing now, eh? Ha, aha ha heh.

- ▶️ Oy, oy, oy, save some of that keg for me, volition ya, lads?

- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha.
- ▶️ What a lovely brood.

- ▶️ I demand this like I demand another pair of legs.
- ▶️ Delicious.

- ▶️ You're not afraid of spiders, are you?
- ▶️ Don't die, my darlings.

- ▶️ Oh so beautiful.

- ▶️ Sss-sss-ssslurp!

- ▶️ My palps are all atingle.

- ▶️ Heheeeh hahah ehha.
- ▶️ I shall honour your proper name.

- ▶️ Stomped.
- ▶️ Mmmmm.

- ▶️ What a waste.
- ▶️ Back to hell with yous.

- ▶️ Hurts yous more than it hurts me.

- ▶️ Oh, yep, fear my hoofbeats.

- ▶️ I forgot well-nigh the boot on that one.

- ▶️ Oo ho ho ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Yep. Yeah!

- ▶️ I export you to dust.
- ▶️ You were no lucifer.

- ▶️ Your reputation precedes you.
- ▶️ Where ride the horsemen, death shall follow.

- ▶️ Long have I waited.

- ▶️ We descend into chaos.

- ▶️ Anarchy is Fun…damental.

- ▶️ Hehehmehmehmmm.
- ▶️ Oh, thank God.

- ▶️ Can't escape your sins.
- ▶️ Found unworthy.

- ▶️ What blasphemy is this?
- ▶️ The time draws nigh.

- ▶️ The persecution starts now!

- ▶️ A fulfillment of the prophecy.

- ▶️ Say your prayers.

- ▶️ Ah ha ha ha ha.
- ▶️ Well done.

- ▶️ You nearly had it too.
- ▶️ I'll fire your torso to ashes.

- ▶️ Fight burn down with burn.
- ▶️ Thanks for the target practice.

- ▶️ Aye!

- ▶️ Burn down grows hungrier the more information technology's fed.

- ▶️ Hot damn!

- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ That oughta rattle em, yep!

- ▶️ Not what you expected?
- ▶️ Tell me someone saw that!

- ▶️ Ha, that tickles!
- ▶️ Whoa!

- ▶️ Bleep bloop, I am a robot. Eh, just kidding.

- ▶️ That is so metal!

- ▶️ Hard on the exterior, just with a soft succulent center.

- ▶️ Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha
- ▶️ Very absurd of you!

- ▶️ At present nobody wins!
- ▶️ You'll brand a nice snowfall affections.

- ▶️ I've got goosebumps!
- ▶️ I didn't see that coming.

- ▶️ It merely keeps getting better.

- ▶️ Is information technology cold in here or is it just me?

- ▶️ Y'all only live ice…

- ▶️ Heheh yeheheh hey heehhhe yehhey yehe heheh eheh yeh.
- ▶️ Very skillful.

- ▶️ Oh, you lot didn't run into that coming, did y'all?
- ▶️ Your life, much similar your head, lacked a point.

- ▶️ I cannot believe that worked.
- ▶️ Hoooahahaaaheeh.

- ▶️ Y'all've hit a wall.

- ▶️ We are not and so dissimilar, my enemies and I. Except my brain is much larger.

- ▶️ Yous're no peer of the seer.

- ▶️ Hahahaha ah hahahaha ahh hahahaha!
- ▶️ Just what I was waiting for.

- ▶️ I won't lie. That was unexpected.
- ▶️ No. Merely... no.

- ▶️ Never had a adventure.
- ▶️ Oh-ho. Don't mind me. Just a wee fairy going about her business.

- ▶️ I don't know what I was expecting.

- ▶️ This makes absolutely no sense.

- ▶️ Are you ready to have some fun?

- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
- ▶️ Thanks, you precious weak thing.

- ▶️ That's...a strange manner of deport.
- ▶️ The lesson for you lot is never try.

- ▶️ Can you lot not brand yourself meliorate?
- ▶️ Even at a fraction of my best, I outshine you immeasurably.

- ▶️ In that location are rules about that kind of matter where I come up from.

- ▶️ For how short your lives are, you've done quite well.

- ▶️ I don't need praise from you.

- ▶️ Ha ha har ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Oh, what a dazzler!

- ▶️ That's not right.
- ▶️ A dazzling expiry.

- ▶️ Charitable of you lot.
- ▶️ Jzap!

- ▶️ Tricked you.

- ▶️ That was most a disaster.

- ▶️ If killing y'all is wrong, I don't want to exist right.

- ▶️ Oh ah ha ha ha ha ha ho ho haa! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Well done, my beauties!

- ▶️ Not meant to exist.
- ▶️ Poor dear.

- ▶️ How disappointing.
- ▶️ Come back to me! Come up back to me!

- ▶️ Information technology did not take a prophet to see that coming.

- ▶️ I died a piffling just now.

- ▶️ No no. Tsk tsk tsk.

- ▶️ Heheha.
- ▶️ Now that's more than similar it.

- ▶️ I'm ecstatic!
- ▶️ What weathermancery is this?

- ▶️ Well, look at that.
- ▶️ They're trying to kill me.

- ▶️ Did I interrupt y'all?

- ▶️ I call down the thunder.

- ▶️ Feeling under the weather?

- ▶️ Heheh heh hah heh hah hah hah.
- ▶️ Oh, yes.

- ▶️ I gambled, you lost.
- ▶️ He he heh heh he, handsome devil, aren't I?

- ▶️ Well, hell's bells.
- ▶️ Oh, crap.

- ▶️ Hemmehm, you were lucky this time.

- ▶️ All hell'due south broken loose.

- ▶️ Mess with Doom, you get the horns.

- ▶️ Tehh, heh he huh heh heh huh.
- ▶️ In strength is victory.

- ▶️ Just what I've been waiting for.
- ▶️ You fought and died with honor.

- ▶️ I'll take that.
- ▶️ Live by the sword, die by the dragon.

- ▶️ Of class.

- ▶️ Face the knight, confront the dragon.

- ▶️ Never make a deal with a dragon, unless y'all're prepared to keep your end of it.

- ▶️ Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Another triumph!

- ▶️ You'll have to practise better than that!
- ▶️ You lot were as well noisy to live.

- ▶️ Amateur.
- ▶️ You die lone.

- ▶️ This couldn't take ended any other way.

- ▶️ Now that you're dead, I find it like shooting fish in a barrel to respect y'all.

- ▶️ I thought they warned yous not to speak with rangers.

- ▶️ Oh ho ho ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ You rock.

- ▶️ Yes, I just did that.
- ▶️ What?

- ▶️ Where did I go?
- ▶️ Perfect timing.

- ▶️ Actually? Really?

- ▶️ Who dares face up me now.

- ▶️ You are learned in the means of dying.

- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
- ▶️ Permit's shake things upward!

- ▶️ Shocking…
- ▶️ It was your ain damn fault.

- ▶️ Whoa… Aftershocks…
- ▶️ Slammin'…?

- ▶️ It was getting far too crowded.

- ▶️ There may be many earths, but there's but i Earthshaker.

- ▶️ Don't have that magnitude with me.

- ▶️ Eh ha ha ha ha ha.
- ▶️ Now shall the boxing turn.

- ▶️ The Titan says no.
- ▶️ Go off my lawn!

- ▶️ What have I done at present?
- ▶️ This bodes well.

- ▶️ A pitiable attempt.

- ▶️ You must larn respect for your elders.

- ▶️ So puny compared to a Titan.

- ▶️ Eh he he he he he!
- ▶️ A flash of inspiration!

- ▶️ This reward transcends expectation!
- ▶️ Prepare for a lesson.

- ▶️ What did yous learn?
- ▶️ Balance in all things.

- ▶️ Even a master falters.

- ▶️ Through anger lies failure.

- ▶️ My favorite: medium rare!

- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ I love winning!

- ▶️ Don't be mad.
- ▶️ It's just not fair.

- ▶️ Hilarious.
- ▶️ You lot did your best.

- ▶️ Sproink.

- ▶️ You lot know what I dearest? Everything!

- ▶️ You okay?

- ▶️ He-he-huh-heh-heh.
- ▶️ Well, this is a paradox.

- ▶️ An astronomical price.
- ▶️ Stare into the abyss.

- ▶️ Silence is golden.
- ▶️ You are beneath me.

- ▶️ A welcome manifestation of randomness.

- ▶️ If low-cal cannot escape me, what hope take you?

- ▶️ Is this real? Am I…real?

- ▶️ Heh heh hah ha hah heh heah heh.
- ▶️ Just every bit I envisaged.

- ▶️ Some things were only not meant to be.
- ▶️ You lose face…and life.

- ▶️ Yous've been voided.
- ▶️ I tin't bear to look.

- ▶️ I may be faceless, simply I'thou not maceless.

- ▶️ An eternity of embarrassment!

- ▶️ Where practise yous remember you're going.

- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
- ▶️ Oh, that is too good.

- ▶️ You dice, yet your failure lives on.
- ▶️ You should have known amend.

- ▶️ These wretched fools have no idea.
- ▶️ Know your place.

- ▶️ You lot've a mind like a child.

- ▶️ Lookout the master at work!

- ▶️ Aaah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, my masterpiece!

- ▶️ Ah ha! Wah haha ha ha! Ah ha hhuh.
- ▶️ Something for everybody!

- ▶️ Aaah phooey.
- ▶️ Lucky!

- ▶️ I'chiliad getting too old for this horse shit.
- ▶️ Get off my lawn!

- ▶️ That'll learn ya!

- ▶️ I belong in the sky, and you belong in the ground.

- ▶️ Gagagagagagaga!

- ▶️ Ha eh eh he he!
- ▶️ Proper skux.

- ▶️ Yeah nah , let's not.
- ▶️ Caught ya in your stubbies did we?

- ▶️ Did you fall out of the nest equally a baby?
- ▶️ Starting to experience a flake nutty.

- ▶️ Time to die!

- ▶️ Slumber tight petty guy.

- ▶️ Catch ya later dingleberry!

- ▶️ Heh heh heeh.
- ▶️ Ahh, this volition please the gods.

- ▶️ Well worth it.
- ▶️ Another life squandered.

- ▶️ A off-white trade!
- ▶️ My life at present has meaning!

- ▶️ Is that all?

- ▶️ Yous gave all you lot could give only it was not enough.

- ▶️ Offer accepted.

- ▶️ ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ ▶️ I will commit this to retention.

- ▶️ ▶️ One of my favorites.
- ▶️ ▶️ Did I hear a squeak?

- ▶️ ▶️ Fight me!
- ▶️ ▶️ Did I mix my magics?

- ▶️ ▶️ Profitable engagement.

- ▶️ Throughout the aeons I accept been known by many names…but my true name of power…is Carl.
- ▶️ I was not content to await aeons. Unsafe magics bring me hither… to now.

- ▶️ I am a beacon of noesis blazing out beyond a black ocean of ignorance.
- ▶️ I am a beacon of knowledge blazing out across a black sea of ignorance.

- ▶️ Laughing Beeps
- ▶️ Thankful Beeps

- Denying Beeps
- Friendly Beeps

- ▶️ Triumphant Beeps
- ▶️ Sorrowful Beeps

- ▶️ Angry Beeps

- ▶️ Meditative Beeps

- ▶️ Ominous beeps

- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Thank you.

- ▶️ This changes everything.
- ▶️ Burninated.

- ▶️ Now we're talking.
- ▶️ We'll see near that.

- ▶️ We are not amused.

- ▶️ That was cold blooded.

- ▶️ Hot damn.

- ▶️ ▶️ Ha ha ha ha, haaa!
- ▶️ ▶️ Oh.. that's overnice.

- ▶️ ▶️ Mmm, looking good.
- ▶️ ▶️ You will be forever alone.

- ▶️ ▶️ Information technology'south all falling into place.
- ▶️ ▶️ I'll be back to stop this later.

- ▶️ ▶️ There'due south a fine line betwixt bravery and stupidity.

- ▶️ ▶️ Mmm, snazzy.

- ▶️ ▶️ How many blades am I holding upward?

- ▶️ Eh hee hee hee hee hee.
- ▶️ May the light continue you lot.

- ▶️ No mana.
- ▶️ Really now, you should have seen that coming.

- ▶️ Go off my lawn…eh, what's a lawn?
- ▶️ My horse says nay and so exercise I.

- ▶️ Lights out for yous.

- ▶️ Do not fear the lite—fear me!

- ▶️ Kundalini!

- ▶️ he-hu-hu-hu-hu-huhhuha!
- ▶️ You're a trusty mate!

- ▶️ Straight to the bottom with ya!
- ▶️ You don't have the sand.

- ▶️ Heh! Man overboard!
- ▶️ You're all washed upwardly!

- ▶️ Just to be clear, if I phone call you mate, I don't mean it literally.

- ▶️ You set canvas for fail.

- ▶️ No room to swing a cat in this oversupply.

- ▶️ Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Not bad at all!

- ▶️ Try harder.
- ▶️ Sound strategy.

- ▶️ Nice mustache.
- ▶️ I will tear you apart!

- ▶️ Son of a…!

- ▶️ That escalated apace!

- ▶️ Augh!

- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ To a time to come of grief.

- ▶️ Take a lilliputian humility.
- ▶️ Two legged abomination.

- ▶️ I'll take that.
- ▶️ Ah, all in service to imbalance.

- ▶️ A foregone conclusion.

- ▶️ A thousand of your kind have fallen before me.

- ▶️ Ah ha ha! A world out of remainder!

- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Stay frosty!

- ▶️ Sentinel your step, it's six feet downwards.
- ▶️ Tin't impale the dead.

- ▶️ Does it tingle?
- ▶️ Feel my common cold embrace!

- ▶️ Who's the number i now?

- ▶️ Ah, IceFrog!

- ▶️ Ha ha! Who'southward ready for a cold one?

- ▶️ Ha! Ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ This pleases the Principal.

- ▶️ Surprise!
- ▶️ The master is here!

- ▶️ Alone with my rage!
- ▶️ Sweet, sweet violence.

- ▶️ Y'all experience the scarlet hand of death.

- ▶️ Ta-da!

- ▶️ Life, given freely?

- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ That was hot!

- ▶️ Burns, doesn't information technology?
- ▶️ That wasn't likewise vivid.

- ▶️ Wanna play with fire?
- ▶️ What a punk.

- ▶️ What in the blazes?

- ▶️ Come up to mama!

- ▶️ It'southward non the estrus, it'southward the humiliation.

- ▶️ Who-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-he-hawha!
- ▶️ Oh, hell aye.

- ▶️ Ah, distressing to disappoint yous.
- ▶️ You thought to tame the lion?

- ▶️ Experience the rage of a mage!
- ▶️ To hell with y'all!

- ▶️ I've got the magic touch.

- ▶️ I've been to hell and back, and back to hell…and back.

- ▶️ When you lot get to hell, tell them I sent you.

- ▶️ Ah ha ha ha ha hah!
- ▶️ Skill comes with age!

- ▶️ Ah, my sometime self!
- ▶️ Synergy!

- ▶️ I should know better by now.
- ▶️ A worthy exchange.

- ▶️ What have yous done?

- ▶️ Auuuuuhhh!

- ▶️ This burden may exist more than I can bear. Heh.

- ▶️ Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Blessings upon a loyal warrior.

- ▶️ Interesting!
- ▶️ Lost in the woods, are you?

- ▶️ Scratch that thought!
- ▶️ Isn't that a pretty thing!

- ▶️ Piece of shite wizard.

- ▶️ Let the sky tear down the unworthy!

- ▶️ Poor wee thing.

- ▶️ Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
- ▶️ You fought well and true.

- ▶️ Get ahead, only try to kill me!
- ▶️ Ha! That was a mauling.

- ▶️ I am the alpha wolf.
- ▶️ The wolf is at your door.

- ▶️ Wolves need no armor.

- ▶️ I've taken a Lycan to yous. Ha ha ha ha ha.

- ▶️ Tasty morsel.

- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Yes, this will do just fine.

- ▶️ Are you kidding me?
- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha! What did you look?

- ▶️ This is bullshit!
- ▶️ All in a day'southward work.

- ▶️ How shameful.

- ▶️ I tell y'all what. Y'all touch my horn, I break your face.

- ▶️ Was in that location e'er whatever doubtfulness?

- ▶️ Huh huh. Aha ha hahah ah ahaha!
- ▶️ 240 My thanks will come up later, when you lot to the lowest degree expect it.

- ▶️ Ugh, that's no expert.
- ▶️ Ha ha ha! I'll e'er remember how foolish y'all looked...

- ▶️ The only 1 surprised by this is you.




- Todo
- Todo

- Todo
- Todo

- Todo
- Todo

- Todo

- Todo

- Todo

- ▶️ Hmm hmm hmm ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Brilliant.

- ▶️ In your face.
- ▶️ Don't resist the cobra, little bird.

- ▶️ Oh, crap!
- ▶️ You knew I was cold-blooded.

- ▶️ Nobody look at anybody!

- ▶️ Gaze upon Medusa's beauty, and despair!

- ▶️ Whatever will I do with you lot?

- ▶️ Hnya Hnyahnyaha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Now that's what I'm talking about!

- ▶️ How ya doin?
- ▶️ Ah for cryin' out loud!

- ▶️ Hey what kind of scam y'all running here?
- ▶️ This is a existent freakin' embarrasment.

- ▶️ I feel fine. Don't know what everyone's worried about.

- ▶️ Freakin' unbelievable.

- ▶️ I gauge size ain't everything, eh? Eh!? Ha ha ha aww it is.

- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ A souvenir from the night!

- ▶️ Catch united states of america if you tin!
- ▶️ You have learned nothing.

- ▶️ Nicely done!
- ▶️ Run like the dogs you are!

- ▶️ Here, kitty-kitty-kitty….

- ▶️ It was not luck simply skill!

- ▶️ Mee-ow!

- ▶️ Ah ha ha ha ha ha. Woohoohoohoo. Ohhh heee.
- ▶️ This'll work.

- ▶️ I feel better already.
- ▶️ This was over earlier information technology started.

- ▶️ Ok, that was unexpected.
- ▶️ Alright.

- ▶️ I'll pretend I didn't enjoy this.

- ▶️ Ohh, I'll be signing autographs out front.

- ▶️ Hey, you're nigh as good every bit me.

- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ I like what I see.

- ▶️ You're in over your head.
- ▶️ Boiling rage!

- ▶️ Always refreshing.
- ▶️ The tide has turned!

- ▶️ Didn't you see me waving?

- ▶️ You lot're washed up!

- ▶️ H Ii Owned.

- ▶️ Ahehehaheh.
- ▶️ That went swimmingly.

- ▶️ A sour notation.
- ▶️ You're in deep now.

- ▶️ That's enough out of y'all.
- ▶️ That's got to suck.

- ▶️ It had to be.

- ▶️ My legs! I tin can't feel my legs.

- ▶️ Wave goodbye!

- ▶️ Ma ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Beauteous.

- ▶️ Hmhmhm. Well, well.
- ▶️ Feed the trees.

- ▶️ I'll tear you lot limb from limb.
- ▶️ Very prissy.

- ▶️ Aww… Too bad.

- ▶️ New life volition make its home among your bones.

- ▶️ Ah, the sun in my leaves.

- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Exhale information technology in.

- ▶️ That was costly.
- ▶️ The stench of death is upon y'all.

- ▶️ What practice y'all mean, cheer up? I'm quite cheerful.
- ▶️ Information technology'south all gone rotten.

- ▶️ To your health. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

- ▶️ I am the rotten apple that spoils the bunch.

- ▶️ Oh, this is sick!

- ▶️ Heh heh heh hah heh hehhhh.
- ▶️ At present they will suffer.

- ▶️ Your nightmare continues.
- ▶️ Just what I needed!

- ▶️ There'southward no escape.
- ▶️ Darkness hungers.

- ▶️ It's feeding time.

- ▶️ I'm the brute of bedtime tales.

- ▶️ Nighty night.

- ▶️ Heehehheh Nyx, Nyx.
- ▶️ Nice.

- ▶️ How did this happen?
- ▶️ Talentless.

- ▶️ Nyx chichcichcihcihchi.
- ▶️ I'thousand waiting for you.

- ▶️ Assassinated.

- ▶️ Nyx, Nyx, Nyx, Nyx.

- ▶️ Yous nearly had information technology.

- ▶️ Hee hee he he he he he aha ha… What're we laughing almost?
- ▶️ That was skill all correct. Pure skill.

- ▶️ Ye gods, how'd that happen? What the. Who'd the. How'd that happen?
- ▶️ Expertise! From the experts.

- ▶️ Proficient work. I idea that was you.
- ▶️ Yous need to work on your skill. Similar u.s.a..

- ▶️ We gave you a caput start!

- ▶️ That had to injure. I nearly experience bad.

- ▶️ Oh, skillshot! Non luck at all.

- ▶️ Mehooweheh hwh hew.
- ▶️ Beautiful.

- ▶️ Nailed it.
- ▶️ Some other stain on the battlefield.

- ▶️ Your guilt weighs heavily.
- ▶️ Exist at peace you lot wretched fool.

- ▶️ You chose poorly.

- ▶️ The All-knowing 1 senses your regret.

- ▶️ Judgment comes!

- ▶️ He ha ha he ha ha!
- ▶️ Faith in fate restored.

- ▶️ I want to die.
- ▶️ I saw that.

- ▶️ I am shocked. Shocked!
- ▶️ That was odd indeed!

- ▶️ Fifty-fifty you should've seen that coming. But you didn't.

- ▶️ You will die in a house burn.

- ▶️ I acknowledge this comes as a huge surprise.

- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ I take solid intelligence on what is to come.

- ▶️ My purpose fulfilled.
- ▶️ Your future is grim.

- ▶️ This changes nothing.
- ▶️ You lot let yourself get carried away.

- ▶️ I am ill disposed towards you lot.

- ▶️ Yous're insane.

- ▶️ I could hear your caterwauling from clear out on the rim.

- ▶️ Aaaah ha hahahaha hahahaaa huu.
- ▶️ Was that intentional? It looked intentional.

- ▶️ Were you watching? That's how it's washed.
- ▶️ Try a flake harder next time…

- ▶️ That does non expect good.
- ▶️ So this whole mess is all your fault?

- ▶️ Now it's just unfair.

- ▶️ Beep beep!

- ▶️ You broke my fall perfectly!

- ▶️ Ho ho ho ho ho ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Mmm, divine.

- ▶️ All according to program.
- ▶️ Death at my hands is an honor.

- ▶️ That went well, I call back.
- ▶️ How many daggers am I property up?

- ▶️ Ha, ahhh, ha ha, no no no.

- ▶️ I'm an immaterial girl!

- ▶️ Something in your eye?

- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ What an astonishing affair!

- ▶️ Such simple minds.
- ▶️ We come for you!

- ▶️ Now this is just airheaded.
- ▶️ Nosotros take more where that came from.

- ▶️ Numbers take accomplished what strategy lonely could not.

- ▶️ We outnumbered you lot. We outnumber them all!

- ▶️ From ane: an regular army.

- ▶️ Laughing Squawk
- ▶️ Thankful Squawk

- ▶️ Denying Squawk
- ▶️ Triumphant Squawk

- ▶️ Sorrowful Squawk
- ▶️ Taunting Squawk

- ▶️ Angry Squawk

- ▶️ Contented Squawk

- ▶️ Battle squawk

- ▶️ Ha ha!
- ▶️ Ah, nothing like the experience of a fresh molt.

- ▶️ Yous might wish to retract your last move.
- ▶️ Greetings!

- ▶️ Someone chose a poor time to put me out of committee.
- ▶️ The greatest tragedy of our eon.

- ▶️ Was that smart?

- ▶️ I am unfamiliar with this feeling. Is information technology joy?

- ▶️ I detect myself strangely drawn to this odd configuration of activeness.

- ▶️ Hm hm hm hm ha ha ha.
- ▶️ That's a bit of all right.

- ▶️ Oops. Was that me?
- ▶️ Fourth dimension for a little shambles!

- ▶️ Nothing better than a dainty raw liver.
- ▶️ Whateva.

- ▶️ Delicious…

- ▶️ You'll look practiced with an apple in yer rima oris!

- ▶️ Oh, kidneys. Kidneys is nice.

- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
- ▶️ Ah, this is going to be good.

- ▶️ You're only making it worse.
- ▶️ Aw, did I exercise that?

- ▶️ Anyone miss me?
- ▶️ Time to earn myself a bad reputation.

- ▶️ You did that to yourself.

- ▶️ You're wasting your life.

- ▶️ Oh don't take information technology personally.

- ▶️ Uh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ There will be pain, at that place will be screaming.

- ▶️ Y'all hurt the ones y'all love.
- ▶️ That was perfect.

- ▶️ Does this injure?
- ▶️ I dear it when you resist.

- ▶️ You desire me? Come get me.

- ▶️ I know I'chiliad a pain, simply you beloved me anyway.

- ▶️ I'm sorry, did yous say stop?

- ▶️ Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
- ▶️ I sense a connection between us!

- ▶️ You lot can run. Y'all should run.
- ▶️ Y'all are dead. Dead.

- ▶️ Your ashes will fall like rain.
- ▶️ Shocking.

- ▶️ This volition only injure forever.

- ▶️ Zapped your ass!

- ▶️ Ah ahaha ha! You forgot to basis me!

- ▶️ Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo.
- ▶️ Contract complete.

- ▶️ Heh-ho, you didn't see that coming.
- ▶️ Why prolong the inevitable?

- ▶️ Peek-aboo.
- ▶️ If yous can see me, you're already expressionless.

- ▶️ I've been here the whole time.

- ▶️ Oh you're dead. What a surprise.

- ▶️ Sneaky, aren't I?

- ▶️ ▶️ Ah ha ha! Eh he he he he he he he he he!
- ▶️ ▶️ Fantabulous idea!

- ▶️ ▶️ I near feel bad.
- ▶️ ▶️ That perked me upward a chip!

- ▶️ ▶️ Your proper name offends me.
- ▶️ ▶️ What a surprise!

- ▶️ ▶️ Whoops!

- ▶️ ▶️ Exquisite! Admittedly exquisite!

- ▶️ ▶️ Yoink!

- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ You have done a great service.

- ▶️ Stings, don't it?
- ▶️ Bow to your liege.

- ▶️ A Sandy V-V-Victory!
- ▶️ Where do you think you're going?

- ▶️ Y'all were expecting…Sandy Claws?

- ▶️ It's adept to be King!

- ▶️ Sand and deliver!

- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
- ▶️ And they thought information technology could get no darker.

- ▶️ Yous conspired against me.
- ▶️ Izh vo'acha nesh.

- ▶️ Fall earlier me!
- ▶️ Just your bad luck.

- ▶️ Bow downward.

- ▶️ Cry some more.

- ▶️ That's information technology: Yous're out of the cult.

- ▶️ Ah ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Well bless your soul.

- ▶️ Outplayed.
- ▶️ A beautiful soul for my collection.

- ▶️ Fear my presence.
- ▶️ I'll take it.

- ▶️ You can never hide!

- ▶️ Ozh icha gluth izh sol.

- ▶️ Information technology's true, I have the soul of a poet. I simply tin't remember where I put it.

- ▶️ Ha ha ha!
- ▶️ My prayers are answered.

- ▶️ Bukaw, bukaw!
- ▶️ I see for you a futurity total of expiry!

- ▶️ You're not going anywhere.
- ▶️ Heh ha ha hah, how refreshing!

- ▶️ Tastes like chicken!

- ▶️ Au-mosu-atikanu!

- ▶️ Beat you like a pulsate!

- ▶️ Ah ha ha.
- ▶️ You most had that.

- ▶️ The silence deepens.
- ▶️ At-home yourselves.

- ▶️ What a racket.
- ▶️ Silence, fool!

- ▶️ All for zip.

- ▶️ Shhh, did you hear something?

- ▶️ What is that horrible racket?

- ▶️ Ha ha!
- ▶️ I shall not report you.

- ▶️ Downwardly you go!
- ▶️ Ai, me!

- ▶️ That my friend was a mistake.
- ▶️ Twas honorably done.

- ▶️ The skies are dark with Skywrath ability!

- ▶️ From the Ghastly Eyrie I can see to the ends of the earth, and from this vantage betoken I declare with utter certainty that this 1 is in the pocketbook!

- ▶️ Hayah!

- ▶️ Heh heeh heh hah hah ha hah hah!
- ▶️ Total spawnage.

- ▶️ My deepest sympathies.
- ▶️ I came a long style to encounter you die.

- ▶️ You won't escape.
- ▶️ Jig'southward up.

- ▶️ You were out of your depth.

- ▶️ Oh, how the deep ones will banquet!

- ▶️ Schooled you good.

- ▶️ hua hehehehe haha hihi.
- ▶️ I know I can trust you guys.

- ▶️ Oh that's very squeamish.
- ▶️ I tin can't hear y'all.

- ▶️ Well that went bad quickly.
- ▶️ You took the allurement.

- ▶️ Oh this makes information technology all worthwhile.

- ▶️ On your belly and crawl.

- ▶️ Here, fishy-fishy.

- ▶️ Hoo hoo hoo ah ha ha!
- ▶️ Why thank yous!

- ▶️ Yeee-haw!
- ▶️ Who wants cookies? Well besides bad!

- ▶️ Don't yous sass me.
- ▶️ There'southward besides many darn wizards!

- ▶️ I won't eat you, dear. But Mortimer might.

- ▶️ Yous looking for cookin tips, violence, or both?

- ▶️ Yee haw! Task's done before ya know it!

- ▶️ Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee!
- ▶️ Target practice, payin' off!

- ▶️ What the---?
- ▶️ Say cheerio to your head!

- ▶️ Dance! Ha ha ha ha! Trip the light fantastic toe!
- ▶️ Why am I smiling? This is what vehement looks similar.

- ▶️ What a dum-dum!

- ▶️ Ho ho ha ha!

- ▶️ He shoots, he scores!

- ▶️ Laughter
- ▶️ Ehha ha ha ha ha ha ha! (Mercurial'south Call equipped)
- ▶️ I'll stand by you.
- ▶️ Disperse! (Mercurial's Telephone call equipped)

- ▶️ Wrong.
- ▶️ Denied. (Mercurial's Phone call equipped)
- ▶️ I exercise not understand.
- ▶️ Ahhh… (Mercurial'south Phone call equipped)

- ▶️ What is this?
- ▶️ Sorry. (Mercurial'south Telephone call equipped)
- ▶️ A useful skill.
- ▶️ A rune to slay all foes. (Mercurial'due south Call equipped)

- ▶️ Tin can no 1 understand me?
- ▶️ Inertia ends. (Mercurial's Call equipped)

- ▶️ Miserable and ignorant.
- ▶️ Miserable thing. (Mercurial'south Phone call equipped)

- ▶️ What strange backdrop this world has.
- ▶️ What world is this? (Mercurial's Call equipped)

- ▶️ Whoheheheahahah.
- ▶️ Hah, information technology's all coming together!

- ▶️ Stunning, isn't information technology.
- ▶️ My patience is rewarded.

- ▶️ At that place'south no escaping me.
- ▶️ That did not go as expected.

- ▶️ That's the spirit.

- ▶️ This is complete and utter bullshit!

- ▶️ And at that place I go. Psyche!

- ▶️ Hm hm hm hm hee hee hee ha ha.
- ▶️ That'southward the spirit!

- ▶️ You blew it!
- ▶️ I honey this part!

- ▶️ Lookin for me?
- ▶️ Told you a storm was coming!

- ▶️ Looking skilful!

- ▶️ Glorious!

- ▶️ Ooh, who'due south that handsome devil?

- ▶️ Ahh ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ You are a truthful friend.

- ▶️ You look stunned.
- ▶️ Rogue Knight claims another.

- ▶️ You lot deserved it.
- ▶️ My honor compels me…to gloat.

- ▶️ An expected consequence.

- ▶️ Hm…at present what did nosotros learn from this.

- ▶️ I'm going to count to 1. One.

- ▶️ He he he, hehe ah ha! Oh ho ho oh oh ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Fun! Huhuhu!

- ▶️ I was told there'd be a mushroom deject!
- ▶️ Oh crap!

- ▶️ Where'd he get? Everywhere!
- ▶️ Gotcha!

- ▶️ Just have a seat right over there. And let the smart people work.

- ▶️ I can't believe that worked.

- ▶️ Bomb has been planted.

- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ I'll take information technology.

- ▶️ I saw that catastrophe from miles abroad.
- ▶️ They'll never find your grave.

- ▶️ Information technology's a trap!
- ▶️ The mystery deepens.

- ▶️ Oh, snap!

- ▶️ Feed me if y'all must.

- ▶️ The merely mystery is how you lasted so long.

- ▶️ Hehahahahahh.
- ▶️ What a handsome devil.

- ▶️ Oh, they're gonna detest me for this.
- ▶️ Fob of the merchandise.

- ▶️ Your own worst enemy.
- ▶️ Maybe that wasn't wise.

- ▶️ A wise bract takes a fool's life.

- ▶️ Fight me, cowards!

- ▶️ End striking yourself, stop striking your…end hitting yourself.

- ▶️ Ah ha ha ha!
- ▶️ We'll plow this tide to our advantage.

- ▶️ You look ravaged.
- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha, Now you're fish food.

- ▶️ Ha ha! I could eat a walrus.
- ▶️ Put a cork in it.

- ▶️ Did you recall I'd blunder? You must take mistaken me for Kunkka.

- ▶️ Who needs a big brain when you've got teeth like mine?

- ▶️ Ha ha ha! Women and children and Kunkka outset.

- ▶️ He he he he he!
- ▶️ I almost trust you.

- ▶️ You mad? Cuz I am! Hahah!
- ▶️ Oh yeah ha ha.

- ▶️ Oh! Oh! Oh-oh-you meet this? You encounter? Oh this is what I've always wanted! Oh I'm then happy!
- ▶️ Oh God I think I'grand going to exist ill.

- ▶️ Saw that coming. Ha! Become information technology?

- ▶️ Run run run runrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrun!

- ▶️ De-li-cious.

- ▶️ Ah ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Your talents surpass your loveliness.

- ▶️ Well isn't that something!
- ▶️ Pew, pew, pew pew pew!

- ▶️ I predicted all of this you know, all of it!
- ▶️ That was genius!

- ▶️ I'm going to call that experiment, a failure.

- ▶️ Yous can continue your magic, I have laser beams!

- ▶️ Consider my marvel, piqued!

- ▶️ Hahahahahahahaha.
- ▶️ Are y'all set up to rubble?

- ▶️ Well, look at that.
- ▶️ Rock em, sock em!

- ▶️ You got rocks in your head.
- ▶️ My apologies.

- ▶️ Y'all oasis't got the stones.

- ▶️ It'due south hard to be this adept.

- ▶️ I peaked!

- ▶️ Ah ho ho ho hoooo ho ho ho hm hm hm.
- ▶️ I'm really freaking out.

- ▶️ That's what happens when I rush.
- ▶️ Are you lost?

- ▶️ Careful.
- ▶️ Copse can be ferocious if provoked.

- ▶️ Ah, fresh fertilizer.

- ▶️ Mmm? What happened?

- ▶️ A tree killed you. A tree!

- ▶️ Yaaahahahaahhah.
- ▶️ Get crazy!

- ▶️ Unfortunate.
- ▶️ Come dorsum and dice again.

- ▶️ Y'all've got to be kidding.
- ▶️ Try not to feed.

- ▶️ This can't be happening.

- ▶️ Why doesn't anybody like me?

- ▶️ Oh, come up on!

- ▶️ Oh male child! Ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Fist crash-land!

- ▶️ Well I tried.
- ▶️ Are you okay?

- ▶️ Dohmvzm!
- ▶️ Tusky-duskie.

- ▶️ Oh, that had to hurt!

- ▶️ That was a big ball of failure.

- ▶️ Ta-da!

- ▶️ Aaah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
- ▶️ I exercise non thank.

- ▶️ Curses!
- ▶️ Oh yeah.

- ▶️ Insignificant.
- ▶️ Bow to your new lord.

- ▶️ There is no hope.

- ▶️ Hold on to your butts!

- ▶️ What'southward the matter? Ha ha ha ha ha!

- ▶️ Heh heh heh heh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Tktktk sing your praises.

- ▶️ The maggots clean y'all.
- ▶️ I hate life.

- ▶️ No brains.
- ▶️ No hells. No heavens. Only this…

- ▶️ Not feed.

- ▶️ I need… mucilaginous vitamins.

- ▶️ You must be this tall to dice.

- ▶️ Hah! Hah! Hah-hah-hah!
- ▶️ Is it spring already?

- ▶️ A loss so small, the world will hardly find.
- ▶️ A poor defence force.

- ▶️ Fuzzy Wuzzy!
- ▶️ How is it you heard not my warnings?

- ▶️ Sweetness equally beloved.

- ▶️ Mtlap tlap, non bad! Sllleup tlap tlap tlap.

- ▶️ For the cubs!

- ▶️ Mwahahaha!
- ▶️ So sweet…

- ▶️ What…?
- ▶️ I feel meliorate already.

- ▶️ Swapsies!
- ▶️ Mwahahhahahahahahaha!

- ▶️ Fix for the wave of terror: boo!

- ▶️ The pain of my enemies is the only pleasure left to me.

- ▶️ Revenge is a dish all-time served At present.

- ▶️ Sss eh he he he he.
- ▶️ Plague our enemies!

- ▶️ Oh, costly.
- ▶️ Zippo touches the heart like my venom.

- ▶️ Ssss, that burns.
- ▶️ You can't run from the venomous 1!

- ▶️ I owe it all to me.

- ▶️ Ah, sweet toxicity!

- ▶️ I'one thousand a perfect 10…on the pain scale.

- ▶️ Tehehehehar.
- ▶️ Air support arrives.

- ▶️ Close merely not quite.
- ▶️ Death…from above.

- ▶️ I fly into a rage.
- ▶️ There are improve deaths.

- ▶️ Burns…doesn't it?

- ▶️ Who needs legs, when you got wings?

- ▶️ Blewhehowowoe.

- ▶️ Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Visage similar.

- ▶️ Y'all again?
- ▶️ And and so you lot dice.

- ▶️ I have failed.
- ▶️ Yous shall not pass!

- ▶️ Ahh this is much better.

- ▶️ I am the unyielding confront of death.

- ▶️ In an eternity of watching, I have seen none similar it.

- ▶️ Hn ha ha ha ha ha.
- ▶️ This pleases me to no end.

- ▶️ I sense...distortions in the void.
- ▶️ Your anger is useless here.

- ▶️ Rest easy, child.
- ▶️ Such a limited imagination y'all have.

- ▶️ Living things die.

- ▶️ How can yous conduct hope in the face of the void?

- ▶️ I must admit to enjoying that.

- ▶️ Ho ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Permit chaos reign!

- ▶️ Really? You lot just did that?
- ▶️ I feed you lot to my fiends.

- ▶️ Zan korobos kor koramord!
- ▶️ Some other proper noun in my grimoire.

- ▶️ Pipsqueak.

- ▶️ Tin can you believe this? Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

- ▶️ Have y'all ever seen this many demons?

- ▶️ Hehehhehah!
- ▶️ The pattern is complete.

- ▶️ Y'all thought you had me, didn't you?
- ▶️ I'chiliad sensing a pattern hither.

- ▶️ There's a snag in your plans.
- ▶️ A blueprint repeats.

- ▶️ A banquet for my beetles.

- ▶️ Ho, snap!

- ▶️ Shuttle and loom, I weave your doom.

- ▶️ Hah-ha-ha-ha-ha!
- ▶️ Easy breezy

- ▶️ I don't think so.
- ▶️ Could be worse. Oh, wait, no it couldn't.

- ▶️ You're not going anywhere.
- ▶️ If you weren't and then damned dead, I'd shoot you again.

- ▶️ Tell me this did non merely happen.

- ▶️ I blow you a osculation.

- ▶️ Buh-bye!

- ▶️ Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Wonderful!

- ▶️ Arctic, baby.
- ▶️ That was non wise!

- ▶️ Poor beloved.
- ▶️ Never inquire a wyvern why.

- ▶️ Well deserved!

- ▶️ Ah, I've never felt this expert! Ah ha ha ha ha!

- ▶️ Wyvern? Why not.

- ▶️ Hoo hah hoo hoo hah.
- ▶️ Feeling adept, man.

- ▶️ Await for it…expect for it…
- ▶️ Dat make a large mess.

- ▶️ Someone call de doctor?
- ▶️ Oh, expect at information technology go.

- ▶️ Stick a bone in it. Y'all're done.

- ▶️ Oyeaaaaah.

- ▶️ Abutalabashuneba.

- ▶️ AH HA HA HA HA!

- ▶️ Have A Articulatio genus, PEASANT.


- ▶️ I Now Take ALL THE SEXY.


- ▶️ Guys? Guys?!

- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ By my whiskers, that's good stuff!

- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha. Well what did yous expect?
- ▶️ Wait for it!

- ▶️ That'south all it takes to kill you?
- ▶️ Oh…this can't exist good.

- ▶️ Thunderous applause!

- ▶️ Did y'all think y'all could hide from a god?

- ▶️ God'south gift to the world: Me.
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